The Olive Branch Guest House Cape Town is located in Green Point. This Cape Town hotel offers travelers a beautiful location near the V&A waterfront. Travelers will also find the CTICC and other major attractions within easy reach. The Olive Branch Guest House Cape Town is located near Cape Town’s rail and bus lines. Public transit offers easy access to Cape Town International Airport as well as to local attractions. Metered and minibus taxi cabs and rental cars can also be found throughout the city.
Each of the guestrooms at the Olive Branch Guest House Cape Town is fully en-suite. All 8 rooms are well appointed and offer luxury bedding and woven carpeting. There are single, double, and king size beds available and all rooms offer private bathrooms.
Guests of the Olive Branch Guest House Cape Town will find beaches, shops, and restaurants throughout the area. The hotel also offers a Mediterranean style accommodation and a welcoming ambiance. The hotel has a friendly staff that is willing to help in any way possible.