This Victorian mansion was constructed in 1895 for Russell Spencer Hines with money acquired from his mining, business and real estate ventures. It is believed to have been designed by Utah architect Richard Karl August Kletting, who also created the Utah State Capitol. According to historic records, the mansion was built as a showplace during the recovery from a major boom-and-bust period in Provo's economic history. One of the first homes built for Provo's first generation gentry, the R. Spencer and Kitty Hines Mansion is one of Utah County's most historical residential landmarks. An award of merit was presented by the Utah Heritage Foundation to Douglas K. Hardy for his renovation of the structure between 1975 and 1978. During that three year period the first level wings were added. The cupola is a representation of the original which was removed many years ago. In November 1995, Gene and Sandi Henderson purchased the mansion and directed the remodeling of the structure which includes nine distinctive bedrooms, two-person jetted tubs, king and queen-sized beds and armoires with TV's in turn-of-the-century decor. Check-in Time Is Between 4-6p. If Arriving Late Please Call Us The Day Of The Reservation To Receieve The Necessary Information Such As What The Code Is To Get Into The Back Door.