This Mansion House is located on Kenwood Avenue is just a short walk away to The Oneida Community Golf Club. A variety of programs are available for children and adults including guided and self-guided tours, permanent and changing exhibits, workshops, lectures, concerts, and other special events.
Eight spacious and inviting guest rooms are offered in this property. They include private baths, complimentary cable, wireless internet access, coffee makers, and refrigerators.
The Oneida Community Mansion House was built in stages between 1861 and 1914 as the Oneida Community grew to more than 250 people. The 200 room mansion is built in popular architectural style of the mid-19th century. The Mansion House features a museum, 35 residential apartments, nine guestrooms, dining and meeting facilities
A non-profit organization chartered in 1987 by the New York State Board of Regents oversees this magnificent National Historic Landmark.