The Holiday Inn Hotel Jennings is conveniently located between New Orleans and Houston, right off 1-10 at Exit 64. We are 30 minutes from Lafayette or Lake Charles. Whether you are staying with us for business or pleasure, you are sure to find the Holiday Inn Hotel Jennings the right place to stay.
Booking and cancellation policies vary by rate type. Please check all applicable rules prior to booking to avoid possible charges. American Disabilities Act. If your accessibility needs are not met, please contact the Hotel Manager on Duty. Should you require additional information regarding accessible facilities for guests with disabilities, please call 1-800-465-4339 (U. S. and Canada) or contact the hotel directly. For the hearing impaired, TDD service is available at 1-800-238-5544 within the U. S. and Canada.
Walkers Seafood and Steak Restaurant - Best value in America. Airdale's Lounge - Join us in this relaxed setting that is perfect for unwinding in the evening.
-1 km to the nearest fair site (?), 64 kms to the airport (lake charles), 72 kms to the airport (lafayette), Centrally located.