The Hilltop Manor Bed & Breakfast is located within eight miles of Garvin Gardens. Guests will find that Belle of Hot Springs is located quite near this Hot Springs Hotel. Hot Springs National Park is also situated quite nearby. The Hilltop Manor Bed & Breakfast is situated within easy reach of the nearby airport. The airport and many other Hot Springs points of interest can be easily reached via taxi cab or by taking one of the many rental car services on offer nearby.
All of the guestrooms at the Hilltop Manor Bed & Breakfast offer wireless Internet access. All rooms include spacious bedrooms as well as separate sitting areas. In addition to cable television and DVD players all rooms offer private bathrooms.
Guests of the Hilltop Manor Bed & Breakfast will find that there are many shops and restaurants throughout the area. The hotel offers a 24 hour snack center for guests to enjoy. There are afternoon snacks on offer as well as hotel wide Internet access.