The Greenleaf Inn sets the standard for Maine bed and breakfasts, boasting an abundance of accommodations and amenities that are unmatched. At The Greenleaf Inn you will find a meticulous attention to detail, an unfazed readiness to make any and all special arrangements, a level of polish and an unobtrusive perfection that our returning guests have come to expect. A spacious, restored New England cape style bed and breakfast nestled on a knoll overlooking scenic Boothbay Harbor, the Greenleaf Inn is your ultimate coastal lodging destination for vacations, honeymoons, anniversaries, and romantic getaways. You can also secure the entire bed and breakfast for family reunions, weddings and even corporate retreats for strategic planning and-or training seminars. The Admirals Quarters Inn and The Greenleaf Inn comprise The Inns at Greenleaf Lane. The Admirals Quarters Inn is a magnificent 1800s bed and breakfast that stands at the head of the Boothbay Harbor Peninsula. It boasts an oceanfront location with birds- eye views and the smell of the sea. Lobster boats fishing, flying seagulls, sunrises, and sunsets are all part of the scenery. The Admirals Quarters has some of the most admired surroundings there is to offer in this lovely Maine community.
The newly acquired seven room bed and breakfast is co-hosted by the Greenleaf Inn. The bed and breakfast neighbor has redecorated and updated some of the comforts of Maine hospitality yet retained the warmth and flavor that made the Admirals Quarters a family favorite. The Inn has many homey spaces to relax, curl up, read, sip your favorite beverage and rejuvenate. The parlor, solarium, and outdoor porches are favorable for your private get-away.