The hotel has views of Aspen Mountains and all the comforts of home, with comfortable surroundings. This is an excellent choice for an Aspen holiday break. Check-out time is 10 am and check-in time is 4 am. Upon arrival, guests must register in the McCartney Property Management office to register before proceeding to the unit. The office is located in the Aspen Airport Business Center in Building 421, Suite G, directly across Highway 82 from the airport terminal. Summer office hours are Monday to Friday from 9 am until 5 pm. Winter office hours are Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 6 pm and Sunday from 9 am to 5 pm. If a late/after-hours arrival is necessary, guests are requested to check the arrival box located at the McCartney Property Management office. Guests will find an arrival packet downstairs outside the office door that will include a highlighted map to the property reserved, along with keys and a registration form. If experiencing difficulties checking in after hours, guests may call the office number (a phone is available at the late arrival box) at 925-8717. Please complete the registration form and drop it in the box outside the office door before proceeding to the unit.