The Crowne Plaza Izmiris located only fifteen minutes away from the center of the city. This hotel in Izmir offers travelers easy access to numerous attractions, including the Convention Center. Ephesus and the House of Virgin Mary are also located nearby. The Crowne Plaza Izmiroffers a free shuttle service to the Adnan Menderes International Airport as well as to the city center. Taxi cabs and rental cars are also available to provide guests with access to local attractions.
All of the guestrooms at the Crowne Plaza Izmirare well equipped and offer numerous five star amenities. All rooms include wireless Internet access as well as excellent views. Private bathrooms are offered in all guest accommodations.
Guests will find that there are ample shopping, dining, and leisure options near the Crowne Plaza Hotel Izmir. Onsite, guests will find restaurants as well as bars. The hotel also offers a large wellness center with thermal pools, massage services, aromatherapy, a gym, a Jacuzzi, and more.