Hotel Centralnaya-Bristol is located in business and historical area of Taganrog in the ancient residence of XIX the century. One of the basic advantages of hotel Centralnaya-Bristol is convenient location in the heart of Taganrog. Nearby you can find all important administrative business objects in order to solve business purposes. Hotel Centralnaya-Bristol has 21 rooms of the following categories - Deluxe - Junior Suite - Superior and Standard. Each guest will appreciate homelike splendor in style of XIXth century. Grateful atmosphere creates special mood and feeling of internal comfort. Rooms are provided with all necessary facilities for pleasant and comfortable leisure and business meetings - comfortable furniture - individual automatic heating and conditioning - multichannel television - DDPhone - minibar and 24 hour access to the internet/ Wi-Fi - dishes - cutlery - electrical kettle - iron. Up to date conference room - comprising more than 50 persons - will allow you hold business meetings - conferences - seminars and other business activities.