The Le Mirage Suite is located in Handas business center. Guests of the hotel will be able to easily access the city center as well as a range of different nearby landmarks and attractions, including museums and the exhibition center. A range of different shops as well as restaurants are located near the hotel. In addition, there is a golf club situated not far from the hotel. The Le Mirage Suite is located within a ten minute drive of the Doha International Airport. Car rental services are available within the local area.
Both one as well as two bedroom suite apartments are offered at the Le Mirage Suite. Each of the units is completely equipped for the convenience and comfort of guests and includes kitchens, living rooms, dining areas, Internet access and televisions. A total of 23 suite apartments are available at the hotel.
The Le Mirage Suite offers safety deposit boxes, room service, laundry services, elevators and babysitting services.