A small charming hotel. The resort features a restaurant and bar, dive center and activities desk. A must for the diving enthusiast. A true Polynesian experience that offers excellent cuisine and amazing snorkeling and diving. 02/08MPAll bungalows are very spacious and offer the same amenities. Easy access to the beach as well as the reception and bar/restaurant. The bungalows are made of wood, with wooden floor and coconut wood furniture. The bathroom has opening to the outside to allow more natural light in. An overhead fan completes the natural cooling of the bungalow. All bungalows are very spacious and offer the same amenities. Easy access to the beach as well as the reception and bar/restaurant. The bungalows are made of wood, with wooden floor and coconut wood furniture. The bathroom has opening to the outside to allow more natural light in. An overhead fan completes the natural cooling of the bungalow. Situated in the Tuamotu Archipelago, Fakarava is the second largest atoll in Polynesia, an unspoiled island, a UNESCO Nature Reserve. The KURA'ORA restaurant accommodates 48 guests. It has a wooden deck which descends to a white sand terrace overlooking the Fakarava lagoon. The chef has created a selection of delicious dishes influenced by the surrounding Pacific Ocean. Polynesian style bungalows. Lobby is medium in size.