This hotel is situated at the edge of the city's historic center. The Sheraton Lima Hotel & Convention Center is convenient to a great many of the most popular tourist draws in Lima including the museums, monuments and historical buildings that define the city's history. The city center is also bustling with restaurants, nightlife establishments and other diversions. The airport is located approximately 6 miles away from the Sheraton Lima Hotel & Convention Center.
Air conditioning is a standard amenity in all of the guestrooms at the Sheraton Lima Hotel & Convention Center. The rooms are also provided with Internet connectivity, cable television service, minibars, and direct-dial telephone service.
On the premises of the Sheraton Lima Hotel & Convention Center guests will find that they are provided with a restaurant which features international cuisine served in gourmet fashion. Local cuisine is also available at the restaurant. Guests who arrive on business will find that they have 11 rooms available to them for conferences. These rooms can also be used for private social events and banqueting facilities are available. Other amenities include tennis courts, fitness facilities and an outdoor swimming pool.