The Cleveland Motel is located only a few minutes away from both the lake front and the city center. This Rotorua accommodation offers travelers a convenient location that is near many major attractions. Guests will find themselves within easy reach of all that the city has to offer. The Cleveland Motel is located near the international airport. Both the airport and city attractions can be easily reached using the Rotorua public transit lines.
Each of the 30 guestrooms at the three and a half star Cleveland Motel offers many amenities. Guests will find that all rooms offer modern amenities and well equipped kitchenettes. The hotel also offers beautiful gardens just outside the rooms.
Guests of the Cleveland Motel will find that the hotel is situated near shopping, dining, and leisure activities. The hotel also offers a large pool, a playground, and barbecue areas as well as two geothermal pools. The knowledgeable staff can also help tourists learn more about local attractions.