The Base Hot Rock overlooks the Kuirau Geothermal Park. This hotel in Rotorua offers travelers easy access to many attractions, including the lake. The hotel also offers easy access to many Maori historical sites. The Base Hot Rock is located only a short distance from the local airport. Public transportation stops are situated throughout the city, offering travelers easy access to the many attractions and points of interest found throughout Rotorua. Taxi cabs and rental cars are also available throughout the area.
Each of the rooms at the Base Hot Rock offers many amenities. Room styles range from dorm type shared accommodations to private rooms. The rooms also offer high speed Internet access.
Guests of the Base Hot Rock will find shopping and dining options within walking distance. The hotel also offers a café, a bar, a heated pool, and a sun deck as well as mineral pools and a television lounge. A courtyard is available for guests to use, and staff can provide travel information.