Situated along the beach, the Hotel Acamar Acapulco provides guests with access to such water sports as skiing, windsurfing, sunbathing, swimming, kayaking, and boating excursions. Guests will be able to walk to many area attractions, including the nightlife area of the city. Within minutes of the hotel are dining establishments, shopping options and entertainment venues. Guests will enjoy easy access to Acapulco Bay. Guests can make use of parking on-site at the Hotel Acamar Acapulco. Many area attractions are within minutes of the hotel and the beach is just steps away.
The Hotel Acamar Acapulco includes guestrooms with such amenities as wireless Internet access, kitchenettes, private bathrooms, cable television, in-room safes, refrigerators, and tour excursion services. There are one hundred thirty five guestrooms at the hotel.
Amenities offered by the Hotel Acamar Acapulco include a convenience store, a hotel safe, laundry facilities, a pharmacy, a currency exchange service, three restaurants, a swimming pool, a fitness center, childcare services, and 24-hour reception.