Looking out toward the sea- colourful villas conceal dreamlike suites with their small private pools- their views of the big blue ocean and of particular note- their outdoor showers. Exotic woods and abaca fabrics decorate the rooms in a fusion of Creole and Asian influences. In the Guerlain Spa- bamboo and sandstone floors surround you with different- relaxing materials. And in the restaurant- you can have your fill of fresh fish and lobster. During the day- there are water sports- trips on the White Shark- excursions into the tropical forest by 4x4 and 18-hole golf. In the evenings- tennis under the stars and cocktails in the lounge bar. The property is closed for business during the year over the following dates August 28 2011-October 7 2011. CLUB 5C- Hotel welcomes Relais and Chateaux Club 5C members with a VIP Welcome and a Discovery Privilege. Please include the Club 5C membership number in the reservation and please show your Club 5C membership card on arrival.