This Essaouira hotel is ideally located near a golf course, only 1.5 kilometers away. Guests of the Riad Tamayourt will be able to easily enjoy a wide range of recreational activities within the nearby vicinity, including cooking classes, camel and horseback rides, walks and ATV rides. A variety of restaurants and dining options is located in the area near the hotel. There are also many shopping opportunities in the surround area of the hotel. The Riad Tamayourt is located within just a short distance of the Riad Tamayourt. Public transportation services are offered in the local area, making it easy for the hotel to be accessed and to visit the many attractions in the local area.
Each of the guestrooms at the Riad Tamayourt offers the standard amenities that would be expected in a modern hotel.
A variety of amenities is offered at the Riad Tamayourt, including entertainment programs in the evening. The hotel also offers a garden for the relaxation of guests during their stay.