This hotel in Essaouira is ideally located for business or pleasure. The hotel places guests within easy access of the most popular attractions in the city. The beach is situated within just a short distance of the hotel property. From the Riad Asmitou, guests will be able to enjoy access to the many souks within the local area. There are also many restaurants situated not far from the hotel. The airport is located within a short drive of the Riad Asmitou. Taxi services and other public transportation services are available within the local area, which makes it possible for visitors to easily access all of the many attractions within the immediate area.
The guestrooms at the Riad Asmitou feature amenities such private bath facilities.
Guests of the Riad Asmitou will be able to enjoy amenities that include laundry services, onsite restaurant, 24-hour room service, safety deposit boxes and massage treatment services. There is also an onsite golf course as well as a spa and fitness center.