To discover most of Vientiane with ease, guests can use Day Inn Hotel as their home base. Every room is equipped with the home comforts you would expect from a hotel of this class. Facilities such as restaurant and laundry service are provided on-site at this great Vientiane hotel. Visitors to Vientiane will see that the hotel is the right choice with its convenient location and complete service and facilities. In the event of overbooking of the hotel Vital International Services will offer you an alternative hotel in the same category with the same conditions.
To discover most of Vientiane with ease, guests can use Day Inn Hotel as their home base. Every room is equipped with the home comforts you would expect from a hotel of this class. Facilities such as restaurant and laundry service are provided on-site at this great Vientiane hotel. Visitors to Vientiane will see that the hotel is the right choice with its convenient location and complete service and facilities. In the event of overbooking of the hotel Vital International Services will offer you an alternative hotel in the same category with the same conditions.