Almaty is one of the Eurasian transit points. Once Rudyard Kipling said-East is East and West is West- and the twain shall never meet-. However- our HOTEL ALMA-ATA is the place where the twain between Western Culture and Eastern wisdom meets. What makes this hotel unique is not only the interior and design of its rooms and the impeccable quality. Nowadays- the ALMA-ATA Hotel- founded in the late 60-s- remains to be historical attraction and cultural heritage of the Kazakhstan/s South Capital. This unique architectural building is comfortably located in a park area so called heart of Almaty- administrative buildings and business and cultural centers are within walking distance as well-0-1 km from the Hotel-. They also represent attractions to tourists and businessmen. Our superior experience in the HOTEL SERVICING evokes an atmosphere of the warmth and comfort for Your vacation. We are pursuing a policy of a high-class SERVICING for businessmen. We remain to be the MAJOR KEY in the HOTEL SERVICING.