Welcome to the Seabreeze GuesthouseYour friendly home away from home in SihanoukvilleSeabreeze GuesthouseSuperbly located 5 minutes by Tuk Tuk out of town on the very beautiful and serene Independence Beach. Our family-run guesthouse is your best choice for a great holiday in Sihanoukville. Clean, quiet, right on the beach. The lobby of the hotel is a spacious area with a lounge and computer for free email and Internet. Our large, clean, serviced rooms combined with our friendly, hard working staff will make your stay here a special one. Right out the front is Independence Beach, Sihanoukville's best. So If you're planning a visit to Sihanoukville, be sure to make the Seabreeze your home away from home we promise that we'll help to make it a holiday to remember. Seabreeze accepts Visa and Master Card. Our friendly staff can help organise bus reservations, taxi hire, motorcycle hire and exciting day trips all around this beautiful area including activities like diving, snorkeling, fishing and many more.