Set alongside the river in the Sisowath Quay, the Star Royal Hotel Phnom Penh is an ideal accommodation in Phnom Penh for leisure and business travelers alike. It is just a short distance from many markets and shops, and is also within walking distance of the National Museum and the Royal Palace too. The Star Royal Hotel Phnom Penh is located at 383 Sisowath and is 4.5 miles from the Pochentong International Airport.
All of the guestrooms in the Star Royal Hotel Phnom Penh will come equipped with direct dial phone service, high-speed Internet access, climate controls, a full-sized bathroom with tub, cable TV, room service, and water service.
Guests of the Star Royal Hotel Phnom Penh will be able to enjoy amenities and services that include a spa with massage and beauty treatments, a sauna, a business service center, an in-house mini mart, a coffee shop, an in-house restaurant, free parking on the premises, meeting and conference rooms, a lounge with bar service, laundry and dry cleaning services, and 24-hour front desk service.