Hotel Nikko offers you maximum comfort in the serene city of Toyohashi. The Hotel Nikko of Toyohashi offers dining, business and recreational facilities to its guests at fair price. Location of Hotel Nikko Toyohashi, Japan Hotel Nikko of Japan provides quick and easy reach to the tourist attractions and entertainment spots of Toyohashi. Tourist attractions like Irkao Cape, Toyohashi Zoo, Toyokawa Inari Shrine, Takeshima Island, Hamanako Lake and Okazaki Castle and Art Museum are easily reachable from the hotel. Hotel Nikko offers convenient access to the Toyohashi Station. The guests will have to drive for about 40 minutes via the Tomei Express Way to reach this Toyohashi hotel. Room Facilities at Hotel Nikko Toyohashi, Japan The numerous modern room facilities offered by Hotel Nikko in Toyohashi will make your stay a delightful experience. There are 379 well-furnished and well-maintained rooms in this hotel. From the upper floors of the hotel you can enjoy the mesmerizing view outside. There are 19 banquest halls and meeting rooms where a large number of events, seminars and workshops can be conducted in an elaborate manner. Apart from these, the other hotel facilities and services that you can enjoy at Hotel Nikko in Toyohashi are indoor swimming pool, Jacuzzi, sauna, laundry and valet services, fitness center, payment by credit cards, business center and free parking. So, come and stay in the Hotel Nikko Toyohashi, Japan with your near and dear ones and experience a vacation of comfort and luxury.