What began as a name for the masters of the caravans more than 2000 years ago has grown into one of the best and most provisional hotel investments in Petra Region. "Alanbat" is the Arabic name of the Nabataeans, the people who carved Petra, early CBC. Settled in southern Jordan 500 BC, they were expert in water planning & carving. Alanbat Hotels Company was founded in the early 80s by Raja O. Alnawafleh and Brothers. As young men we developed a big area and a small building for a campsite and a hotel. We were the first family of local people of Wadi Mousa Town to invest in hotels company and services. We as hotel management have got more than 30 years of experience. Services start with average capacity of 20 poxes; nowadays we have three hotels: Alanbat I (our main location), Alanbat II and Alanbat III. All the new services have been done on our main location to make your visit to Petra and your stay at our hotels amazing and pleasurable. Alanbat hotels can provide you with experienced assistance in getting the most out of your visit to Petra. Our staffs are ready to help you in the soul of Jordanian hospitality. This description is based on information provided by the hotel.