Welcome to the new Town House Suite“Al Centro Storico di Roma”.This welcoming property is located “in the heart of Rome” - as its name suggests - in Via Merulana, a lively street between two of the major basilicas of the Eternal City: St. Mary Major and St. John in Laterano. In only five minutes walking, you will reach roman landscapes like the Colosseum, the Oppian Hill Park and the Roman Forum. The famous Colosseum, the big Arch of Costantin and the fascinating Roman Forum capture the visitor's imagination with their archaeological sites. Quite close to Palatine hill, you will find the well-known Emperor Nero's golden house, the Domus Aurea. In Via dei Fori Imperiali you can also discover the ancient Trajan's Forum and the Forum of Caesar. The Forum had many functions: it was in the same time the reference for daily life, politics and religion. In about 550 BC this valley became a real square at the centre of a town. The last Etruscan king, Tarquin the Proud, was thrown out in 509BC and the Consulate was instituted. The Republican era had begun: Rome began to develop into an Empire.