The Tobacco factory is the only example in Salento of the recovery of industrial architecture. Refurbished from a former Tobacco Factory in the 1920's and conserving all the charm characteristics of the age, like the star shaped vaulted ceiling. The hotel is found in the higher region of Gagliano 1 km from the coast and 2 km from Santa Maria di Leuca, the extreme point of Salento, in Apulia. The Tobacco factory was constructed during the fascist period, when the cultivation of the Levantine plant was wide spread. Inside the building there were various working rooms, each having there own function like flattering, drying or packaging, and there were also a room where mother's could nurse and attend to their children. The Tobacco factory's activity lasted until 1989 until a major crisis in this industry forced its owner to close for ever. The reconstruction, begun in 2002, concentrating on the restructuring the original buildings as well as in the using materials and furnishings of a wider Mediterranean theme, thanks to the work of one of the masters of the design field , Francesco Spada. The project is characterized by the images of the region and the Salentina tradition taken from the photographer Andrea Morgante, representing a guided tour inside hotel.