The Hotel Carlo Magno affords access to nearby beaches and the cliffs of Mount Epomeo. This Forio hotel has free shuttle access to the nearby Lacco Ameno, San Montano, and Negombo Thermal Park. The Hotel Carlo Magno is conveniently located on the coast on Vecchia Borbonica Road that connects Forio with Lacco Ameno. Transfers are available from the airports/train stations of Naples and Rome to the hotel. Please contact the hotel to arrange transfers directly from any city in Italy.
The rooms at the Hotel Carlo Magno are positioned in architecturally unique cottages that span the grounds. Guestrooms may include satellite televisions with pay-per-view movie availability, balconies or gardens, air conditioning, safe deposit boxes, and panoramic views. Suites with communal bathrooms are available. Amenities include a fitness center, 24 hour room service, high speed Internet access and laundry/dry cleaning service.
Opened in 1999, the Hotel Carlo Magno features Mediterranean style bungalows strewn around the property. The hotel boasts three pools, and spa services are available on-site to guests in the Venus Beauty Center seven days a week. There is a restaurant on the property, and guests are served a complimentary breakfast. Meeting facilities are available.