Placed on the slope of Fiesole elegant hill in the hamlet of Maiano; the Villa offers splendid views of Florence and of Fiesole landscape. The Villa was named The Sfacciata in the XX century for its dominant position and its beautiful surrounding gardens and park. It dates back to Medieval times when it appeared as a 14th century cottage with its pretty farm. Cadastral documents of that time show that the Villa was transformed into a palace by the Bardi family that bought it in 1427 and subsequently sold it to Nicola Tegliacci in 1447. The new owner named the villa Palagio dei Tegliacci. Restoration on a grand scale changed the 14th century aspect of the villa and the villa was renamed Salviatino. The Salviati family remained the proprietor of the villa throughout the XVI and XVII centuries. In 1882 the Villa became the property of Phelps Thomas who started a program of full restoration work. The architect Corinto Corinti built a large central staircase and big cinquecento portals. He reduced the tower; designed a new covered entrance for the carriages; overhung by a garden which still exist and remodeled the park by adding an Italian garden and conservatories. The weekly notes concerning the restoration works conducted by the architect Lusini contain several times the word demolition. All the medieval elements and structures were demolished and redesigned. The new intervention restored the building to its simple and - at the same time - sumptuous aspect. The walls of white plaster was restored providing contrast to the pietra serena a Tuscany durable grey stone which stands out from the thresholds and the chimneys. The interior was elegantly furnished with an art collection of great value; many beautiful objects contributing harmony to the overall environment. Thanks to Mr and Mrs Ojetti the Salviatino has become one of the most lively cultural salons of the time. A new period of Salviatino life is going to start.