Pets are welcome in this hotel (please indicate your preference when booking). The reception is manned around the clock and offers a wake-up service. If you have any requests please call our friendly room service team. The hotel also offers concierge. You can park your car in one of the hotel's free parking spaces. Your room has cable TV and a telephone. All rooms in the hotel have their own bathroom and a balcony. A hairdryer is available in your room as well as a safe. Treat yourself to a meal in the bistro or hotel restaurant (where you can eat outdoors). The restaurant also offers meals to cater for vegetarians. While away the evening with in pleasant company, e.g. with other hotel guests in the hotel bar. Enjoy the cooling waters of the outdoor pool when it's sunny, or alternatively use the Pamper yourself with a massage in between sessions in the sauna. The hotel has bicycles for hire for short and longer trips to allow you to discover the local area. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 08:00 to 00:00 .