International hotel with modern construction, superior guest ;rooms and superb downtown location. with large food and ;beverage outlets. ; ; ; ;a2t 2 twin bed/interior corridor/cable/satellite tv ;a1k suite/king bed/interior corridor/cable/satellite tv ; -air conditioning, rm -air filtration ;-convention center -corridors, interior ;-door dead bolt -door peepholes ;-elevators -emerg lghts-gst rms ;-emerg lights, exits -fans, ceiling ;-fax svc for guests -gift shop ;-ice machine -iron * ironing board ;-laundry, guest -lounge/bar ;-newsstand -parking, bus ;-parking, car,outdoor -parking, truck ;-parking, valet svc. -parking,car, indoor ;-parking,lighted area -phone lines,multiple ;-private bath -refrigerator ;-restaurant -safe deposit box ;-safe, hotel -smoke detectors ;-sprinkler sys, fire -tv, cable/satellite ;-tv, remote control ; ;