The Hotel Aroma Classic is located in the heart of the Jaipur city. It is situated in S.1-A, Gopinath Marg, Behind Jayanti Market, Panch Batti, M. Road, Jaipur. The hotel caters to every need of travelers and houses excellent hospitality services. The hotel features carpeted marble floors, Internet connectivity, secretarial services, doctor- on- call, banquet hall, generator, and travel desk with own Taxis. The hotel also offers other facilities such as currency exchange, acceptance of credit cards, ample Parking space, and round the clock room service. The hotel offers excellent spacious decorated rooms and suites. The rooms and suites are perfectly furnished, with cable TV, marble bathrooms, carpet flooring, fireplaces and heaters. Each room is extended to private terrace where guests can enjoy their solitude and overview the beautiful picturesque locations. One can choose from more than 35 well appointed rooms and suites boasting elegant interiors.