The Inna Hotel Bali is located in the Denpasar area, where guests will find a number of business addresses as well as shopping and dining options. This accommodation in Bali is within minutes of many area attractions as well. The Inna Hotel Bali is just minutes from the Ngurah Rai International Airport. Many area attractions are within minutes of the accommodation.
There are sixty six guestrooms at the Inna Hotel Bali. Each of the guestrooms includes Balinese décor and furnishings along with such amenities as satellite television, direct-dial telephones, wireless Internet access, and private balconies overlooking the surrounding area, in-room safes, and work desks. Guestrooms also include private bathrooms with separate showers and hot and cold water.
Located in a historic accommodation, the Inna Hotel Bali offers Old World style and modern amenities. The building dates back to 1927, but has been refurbished to include a restaurant, s swimming pool, and a bar. The hotel facility is air-conditioned.