Located in the medieval part of Rodas with its narrow streets and stone arches. 2 Km. from the port and 500 m. from the motorway. Starting many years ago within the walls of the old Crusader Castle, this pension has been transformed over the years into a larger, but still warm and lovely, hotel. The basic rooms have been enlarged, some into lavish suites with a jacuzzi. For those who stayed there in days past, it has not lost its character, but rather added extra comfort, takeing it even closer to perfection. Some of the rooms are not actually within the old pension grounds, but on nearby streets, thus the main building remains petite and simple. The larger self contained units with kitchnettes can accomodate upto 5 persons. The suites have large double beds which is very unusally even in big hotels in Greece. The roof-top terrace still offers a beautiful view of the old town and a quiet place to relax .The new garden courtyard leads to a wonderful restaurant / bar that stands on it's own as far as good reputation (also has a very interesting aracheological finding).