The Regent Motel offers accommodation only in the Centre of Rye. All bedrooms have en-suite shower rooms, complimentary shampoo/shower gel, conditioner, body lotion shower caps. Tea/Coffee trays with biscuits hairdryers are supplied in all rooms, as are freeview televisions. Most family rooms have freeview televisions with DVD player built in. Wi Fi access is available but NOT guaranted. An iron ironing board is available from reception. For family's with young babies, a travel cot is available free of charge, please bring own bedding. Private parking is available free of charge on a first in basis. Guests are supplied with a main entrance key to enable them to come go in the evenings. Non smoking property. All rooms are up one flight of stairs on the first floor of the building, one further room (double bedded room) is up another flight of stairs. Please inform us if this room is not suitable. CHECK-IN: Our reception is not open 24 hours, therefore we require bookings to check in from 11am - 3pm. Rooms will be reserved till 3-30pm on your arrivial day. If delayed on route please call to ensure room is not re-let. We can accept later bookings Mon-Fri till 7pm (LATEST). Please contact us to confirm staff available to cover your arrivial BEFORE booking. The Holiday house has one twin one double bedded room each with its own freeview television (DVD in Twin room), tea/coffee trays hairdryers. The bathroom is supplied with towels, flannels, bathmats a small selection of shampoo, body lotion etc. The Modern Lounge has two leather sofas, a glass coffee table, a freeview television DVD player. The kitchen/diner has all the basics plus a washer/dryer, dishwasher, microwave etc. All bedding, towels, electric gas are included in the rental. A parking bay is in front of the house. There is a bench outside for smokers. Check out is 10-30am, house takes 2 1/2 hours to clean. If arriving before 1pm the house may not be ready. Hotel Rating: Visit Britain 3 star