Enjoy the comfort of a luxury hotel with the convenience of your very ownmodern and stylish self-catering apartment. Perfect for families, couplesand groups of friends, we also have very special rates for the businesstraveler. We offer Fabulous Cardiff apartments which can accommodatebetween one - six guests. Our apartments enjoy water views with balconies. Large fully equipped Gym on site. Frankie and Benny's, Morrisonssupermarket and Harvester are all within walking distance as is the AmazingNew International Pool. Children are very welcome. You'll find here a diverse mix of internationally acclaimed visitorattractions, activities and entertainment, coupled with vibrant,cosmopolitan bars, shops and restaurants all situated around themagnificent freshwater lake, giving Cardiff's waterfront a truly uniqueatmosphere worthy of any capital city. Although just minutes away from the city centre, these waterfrontapartments are a world away from the bustle of city life and makes a greatbase for exploring the Bay, the rest of the city and South Wales.