Guests who stay at the Sandford Promenade Hotel Blackpool will find themselves located within minutes of both Blackpool Tower and Pleasure Beach. The hotel’s location on the central part of the Promenade also means guests have easy access to the many activities available in the area. Amenities of the hotel include a game room, bar, sun lounge, pool table, slot machines, and parking. The Sandford Promenade Hotel Blackpool is located within easy reach of local tram and bus stations. These public transport methods can escort guests about the city as well as to nearby towns and to the Blackpool International Airport. The train station is also located nearby and taxi cabs are available throughout the area.
Rooms at the Sandford Promenade Hotel Blackpool include such amenities as wireless Internet, free-view television, and power showers and many also face the seafront.
The Sandford Promenade Hotel Blackpool is centrally located on the Queens Promenade, providing easy access to many amenities including dining, shopping, and movie theaters.