Guests staying at the Glenshee Hotel Blackpool will find themselves near Pleasure Beach as well as many other local attractions. Amenities of the hotel include entertainment, a bar, a cabaret, home-cooked meals, a sauna, and a gym. The hotel is conveniently located within Blackpool and provides a tranquil atmosphere. The Glenshee Hotel Blackpool is in close proximity to the nearby Blackpool Airport, which is easily accessible by any of the trams or buses that make frequent stops near the hotel. Taxi cabs also run through the town. Public transportation systems also run to the nearby railway station, and can escort guests around Blackpool, or can take them to many nearby towns.
The rooms at the Glenshee Hotel Blackpool are comfortably decorated and furnished and also include many modern amenities.
The Glenshee Hotel Blackpool is a family run hotel located in the heart of Blackpool and is designed like a large Victorian home. Many attractions and amenities are nearby, including many restaurants and shops.