Apartments: equipped with kitchentte, oven, dishwasher, telephone and TV. Facilities: lift, heated covered swimming pool, social lounge with fireplace, sauna, car park, self-service coffee/tea, Internet, laundry and billiards. de de.tar.bz2 en en.tar.bz2 es es.tar.bz2 fr fr.tar.bz2 HotelDescriptions_da.csv HotelDescriptions_de.csv HotelDescriptions_de_utf8.csv HotelDescriptions_en.csv HotelDescriptions_en_utf8.csv HotelDescriptions_es.csv HotelDescriptions_es_utf8.csv HotelDescriptions_fr.csv HotelDescriptions_fr_utf8.csv HotelDescriptions_it.csv HotelDescriptions_it_utf8.csv HotelDescriptions_nl.csv HotelDescriptions_nl_utf8.csv HotelDescriptions_no.csv HotelDescriptions_po.csv HotelDescriptions_sw.csv hpcsv.php hpcsv.php.1 hpcsv.php.2 hpcsv.php.3 it it.tar.bz2 nl nl.tar.bz2 - Reservations always from Saturday to Saturday (exceptions made on personal request). - Check-in Saturday between 16.00 and 20.00, check-out Saturday between 8.00 and 10.00. - Client must contact residence to confirm reception opening hours and arrival time (arrival outside reception opening hours will carry a surcharge of at least 20 euros). - Client must pay a 300 euro deposit which will be returned on departure or later by post or bank transfer. - Sheets and towels to be paid directly in the residence (8 euros/kit) - Client must leave the residence in perfect order, if not there will be a cleaning surcharge of 50 euros. - Local taxes to be paid directly in residence. 49 rooms. Location: in the high area of Belle Plagne, at the foot of the slopes, close to Snow Kindergarten and not very far from the shops.