The Hostal Anosa Casa is located between the Plaza de Galicia and Toral. Guests will find that this hotel in Santiago de Compostela offers easy access to many attractions. There are numerous palaces and museums nearby for travelers to explore and enjoy. The Hostal Anosa Casa is situated in the pedestrian area of the city, offering easy walking access to attractions. There is parking nearby for guests traveling by rental car. The city also offers a public bus network, which provides travelers with access to local points of interest as well as the Santiago de Compostela International Airport.
All of the guestrooms at the Hostal Anosa Casa include wireless Internet access. Each room is designed for comfort and convenience. All rooms offer guests private en suite bathrooms.
Guests will find plenty of shopping and dining near the Hostal Anosa Casa. There is a breakfast room located right onsite. The hotel also offers a friendly staff and easy access to a pay parking facility.