Nature and relaxation in the mountains in Palencia. Restored respecting the original structure, the rural Molino de Salinas hotel is a wise combination of modern and classic, colonial, African, Northern or Venetian design. The waters of Pisuerga is still crossing the Molino from a side to the other, reminding of the former use of the building, and with its murmur favouring an atmosphere of relaxation in all of the corners of the hotel. The inner design was conceived in order to watch the exterior views, through large windows from its Dining- or Living-room. The different private rooms reflect a friendly and new atmosphere with surprising views over the water fall of the mill or the magnificent mountain landscape. The hotel brings together the stillness of the countryside with special halls for reunions and business events, also offering the possibility to go on trips through the great number of Roman touristic attractions of the region. It doesn't accept American Express.