The Villalen Hotel is located 1. 5 Kms from Guadamia Beach and it¿s recreational area, on the path to the "Camino de Santiago". This property represents a typical asturiana village from the XVIII, renewed by respecting proportions and original styles. The house offers a wide area sorrounded by a big wall called "la cueva" which
served as a shelter during civil war. It offers 7 double rooms with bathrooms, central heating, TV and minibar (3 rooms offers hydromassage). The hotel is also located near the Bufones de Pria: these are cracks and chimneys found in the rocks of the cliff, conected by marine simas and thrown away by the waves of the sea, forming 20 meters high pulverized water pump valves on the surface. The Bufones de Pria are included on the protected natural espaces with the Natural Monument Category.