The Don Gonzalo Hotel Montilla is conveniently located within the city of Cordoba. From the hotel, guests will be able to easily access many of the most popular attractions within the city as well as numerous amenities, including restaurants, cafes, nightspots and many other sights. Guests will also find that there are numerous cultural attractions located within just a short distance of the hotel property. There is a car park located onsite at the Don Gonzalo Hotel Montilla for the use and convenience of guests who arrive by car. The airport is located within just a short drive of the hotel.
Each of the rooms at the Don Gonzalo Hotel Montilla features all of the standard amenities that would be expected in a fully modern hotel.
Amenities offered at the Don Gonzalo Hotel Montilla include an onsite bar and restaurant, which makes dining at the hotel easy and convenient. The hotel also offers a public Internet terminal. There is also a laundry services located onsite for the use of guests during their stay.