Memories in the History (Letter to my Patrons) This castle… … belonged to the illustrious and refined Mr. Tapia. He has built it with original stones of an old headquarter of 12th century know as “King’s Headquarter” whose noblest residences incorporated a singular coat of arms which had six birds with a wide round piece in their mouth. After arduous searches about this coat of arms we have known that… Don Esteban de Tapia, a Trujillian reporter of the 17th century, wrote on those dates that on the second third of the 13th century a knight of Solar de Pancorbo had adopted that Tapia’s coat of arms. The six ravens loading a piece of bread in their mouth make reminiscence to the history of his castle of Pancorbo. Once it was surrounded by the North Africans and food supply was not enough to face up the blockade, a flock of black ravens appeared in the sky bringing slabs of bread and dropping them in that fortress so that its occupants could win the final battle. That is the reason because this ravine is known by the name of Pancorbo, from the junction of “Pan del Corvo (cuervo)” (= raven’s bread). That coat of arms can be prized at different places of the castle: at the entrance door, at the entrance gardens, and at the coat of the lounge chimney. Once the Tapias have died this castle has passed to the hands of this modest hotelier of Laguardia who even having no cradle intends to show with best courtesy to make your stay grateful and peaceful. Receive my sincere welcome to this yours another home.