Hotel of , Casona of Cantabria, member of the Qualit A three stars Hotel called Casona member ofCantabrianQuality Club, opens in July 1999. Club of Cantabria. Opens its doors in July of 1.999 Situated in Carrejo municipal of Cabezon de la Sal. Well situated so one can visit all the region. In the Cabuerniga,s valley an the interior we have the coast and the Oyambre Natural Park, which separates San Vicente de la Barquera and Comillas. Placed in Carrejo, Pigheaded one's municipality of the Salt strategically placed to visit the whole region. Between Cabuerniga's valley and Nature reserve of the Saja-Besaya to the interior and the Coast where Oyambre's Nature reserve separates San Vicente of the Barquera and Inverted commas. Inside we have 30.000m2 a beatiful garden, that invites to walk between splendid specimentsA stone house of 1881, at the begining was a stable and a barn. The actual hotel respects thearquitecture of the zone . In the interir one gets surprised combining modern and atique furniture. In august 2005 a new buildinghas been built, what was an old poultry we have two new splendid suites. In the main house we have 10 rooms 8 double rooms and 2 J. Suites. t