Near the Gothic Quarter, the hotel is also very close to Plaza Sant Jaume. Other nearby attractions include the cathedral and the Palau de la Geralitat de Catalonia. Guests can also walk from the hotel into the Las Ramblas district. Metro line 4 runs near the Hotel Rey Don Jaime I, providing connectivity to the rest of the city.
Offering rooms with 1 – 4 beds for travelers, the Hotel Rey Don Jaime I has en suite bathrooms in each room. The annex of the hotel has top class rooms for those seeking an upgraded experience. There are 38 rooms in total, with air conditioning, televisions, telephones, and alarm clocks. Non-smoking rooms are available by guest request.
Comprised of a main building with an annex, the Hotel Rey Don Jaime I offers basic accommodations and amenities to travelers. The reception desk is open 24 hours a day, and some tourist support services are available through the front desk. The lobby area doubles as a snack café, with hot and cold vending machines. Limited parking is available nearby for guests.