Rold Gl. Kro has 26 double rooms which are situated in quiet surroundings in a separate building in the inns garden. The inn offers weekend stays with music and dancing. Gourmet stays and schnapps stays. Champagne stays and Himmerland holidays which include admission for the Jodle Birge museum. Here you can hear the songs of the late Danish singer Jodle Birge and see many of his gold records and tapes and music instruments. Rold Gl. Kro has premises and facilities for meetings and courses. Conferences and seminars with op to 100 participants. The following tale is indeed true. Formerly it could be dangerous to visit the inn Rold Gl. Kro. The forest Rold Skov was infested by the legendary robbers Bette Fanden - Long Ajes and Petronillen and they kept a sharp eye on the inn. When the travellers had stopped and sealed a bargain in the inn the robbers knew that they were flushed with money. As they travelled further through the dark Rold Skov the robbers attacked them and in the worst case the travellers could loose more than their money. Today you also meet robbers when you visit Rold Gl. Kro. But the four robbers in the crossroads are wood sculptures and they do no harm. Therefore it is not dangerous to visit Rold Gl. Kro - apart from the fact that you risk loosing your heart to the cosy inn with the great hospitality and the good food. The menu often comprises game from the forest and on the whole you can be sure to get good well-cooked Danish inn food. Rold Skov is situated right outside the door with its fantastic nature experiences. The area is known as Denmarks largest natural wood area. But it is also the area in Denmark with most springs. Right from the lovely trickling Ravnkilde which is often called the most beautiful of all Rold Skovs springs. And the spring Little Blaakilde which is the spring that is most abounding in water between the North Cape and the Alps.