Enjoy your stay in our comfortable, tastefully decorated hotel. The management and staff do their best to provide our guests with an excellent service and personal attention to ensure an enjoyable stay at our hotel. Hotel Prasident is located close to the main station -Hauptbahnhof-, the public transport system and taxis are in walking distance. From the main station, go straight forward, after the crossing, into the Schillerstrasse. The next big crossroad will be the Schwanthalerstrasse. Turn left and in about 100 meters you will see the Hotel Praesident on your left, just in opposite of the Deutsche Theater. If you have heavy luggage, a bell-boy from the station could help you. Additional information: Children age 6 and under stay free in the room with parents and in existing bedding. Children age 7-12 receive a 50 pct reduction. Children over this age will be considered an adult.