Are you planning to travel to Leipzig? Then the best place to stay is an accommodation with a good transport connection to the city centre while providing a quiet surrounding where you can escape from the urban chaos at the end of the day. Well, look no further! The inexpensive City Inn Hotel Leipzig, Germany is the ideal solution for you. What is more, the hotel has been renovated in 2011 and now features a fresh modern design characterised by clean lines, modern furniture and tasteful black-and-white decoration. For all business travellers and fairgoers the City Inn Hotel is an ideally located accommodation between Leipzig Trade Fair and central station, each only a ten-minute tram or car drive away. It is also situated in an exclusive residential area right next to the Arthur-Bretschneider-Park, which lends itself to a wide range of recreational activities. The small lake, the indoor swimming pool, the open air stage and many opportunities for sports and play can be exciting or relaxing for vacationers of all ages. The 24-hour hotel bar is a great place to have an aperitif or end the evening on a cosy note.