The Hotel Sonne Stupferich is located within a convenient distance to the center of the city. By car, it is only a few minutes from this provider of Karlsruhe accommodation to the main commercial area of the city where guests will find a multitude of boutiques, bars and restaurants awaiting them. Guests of the Hotel Sonne Stupferich may make use of the rail system to reach the Stuttgart International Airport.
There are a total of 54 rooms for hire at the Hotel Sonne Stupferich. Each of the rooms is provided with modern amenities which include Internet connections, televisions and private baths. The baths are supplied with toiletries courtesy of the hotel.
The Hotel Sonne Stupferich provides its guests with a host of convenient services. The hotel can help to arrange tours of the area’s natural environs via bicycles or on foot. The hotel also has a beer garden available and a courtyard where guests can relax over food and hearty German beer. Internet connectivity is provided in the hotel commons.