This accommodation in Essen is ideally situated whether traveling for business or pleasure. Guests will discover the Atlantic Congress Hotel Essen is located within just a short distance of many popular attractions and sights. The hotel is adjacent to the Grugahalle. The Fairground is also nearby. A range of shops and restaurants are located in the nearby vicinity of the hotel. There are also many entertainment venues in the local area as well. Accessing the Atlantic Congress Hotel Essen is simple due to its central location. Public transportation is available in the area. The local network of roadways makes it easy for guests to access the hotel as well as get around the city.
250 guestrooms and 20 suites are offered at the Atlantic Congress Hotel Essen. Each of the rooms and suites is equipped with all of the modern amenities and facilities, including private baths, telephones and televisions.
The Atlantic Congress Hotel Essen offers a range of amenities, including a large conference center for the use of business guests and for special events.